7 Safe House Plants for Pet and Kid-Friendly Homes

House plants are a great way to improve the air quality in your home, and they can also be decorative. If you have pets or kids, it’s important to choose safe plants that won’t cause any harm if they happen to chew on them or eat them. In this blog post, we will discuss seven safe house plants that are perfect for homes with pets or kids!

Spider Plant:

The spider plant is safe for both pets and kids, and it’s also one of the easiest house plants to care for. It’s a great plant for beginners! Try placing it in a bright spot of your home.

Snake Plant:

The snake plant is another safe option for homes with pets or kids. It’s also known to be one of the most effective air-purifying plants. It requires little maintenance and can tolerate low light conditions.


Pothos is a safe plant for both pets and kids, and it’s also very easy to care for. It’s a great plant for anyone who wants to improve the air quality in their home.



The philodendron is safe for both pets and kids, and it’s also a very popular house plant. It’s a great plant for anyone who wants to add some greenery to their home.

Fiddle Leaf Fig:

The fiddle leaf fig is safe for both pets and kids, and it’s also a very trendy house plant. It’s a great plant for anyone who wants to make a statement in their home.

Rubber plant:

The rubber plant is safe for both pets and kids, and it’s also a very popular house plant. It’s a great plant for anyone who wants to add some greenery to their home.

ZZ Plant:

The ZZ plant is safe for both pets and kids, and it’s also a very popular house plant. We recommend this plant to anyone who wants to improve the air quality in their home.

We hope you found this blog post helpful! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. We would be happy to help you choose the perfect safe house plant for your home. If you are searching for stylish and creative plants pots and plants look no further than BargainFox. They offer great quality and extremely attractive prices. If you are looking for the best selection of home plants, look no further than Be.Green IT. They offer all types of home plants, that will add to your home! Check them out today!

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