Overview of the Company Tripadvisor

A Tripadvisor Company

Tripadvisor is a travel and restaurant website that provides user-generated reviews and ratings on hotels, restaurants, and attractions. The company was founded in February 2000 and is headquartered in Needham, Massachusetts, United States. However, Tripadvisor has a presence in the UK and operates a UK-based website where users can access reviews, recommendations, and bookings for hotels, restaurants, and attractions in the UK and around the world. The UK website also provides travel guides, forums, and other travel-related resources for users planning trips.

History and Evolution of Tripadvisor company

Tripadvisor was founded in February 2000 by Stephen Kaufer, Langley Steinert, Nick Shanny, and Thomas Palka in Needham, Massachusetts, United States. The company started as a travel review site, where users could share their travel experiences and provide reviews and ratings on hotels, restaurants, and attractions. In the early years, Tripadvisor faced significant challenges, including a lack of user engagement and revenue.

However, in 2004, the company was acquired by InterActiveCorp (IAC), a media and internet company, for $210 million. Under IAC’s ownership, Tripadvisor saw significant growth and expansion, including the acquisition of several travel-related companies, such as Holiday Watchdog, SeatGuru, and Viator.


In 2011, Tripadvisor was spun off from IAC and became an independent publicly traded company. Since then, Tripadvisor has continued to expand its services and offerings, including the launch of its own booking platform, which allows users to book hotels, flights, and vacation rentals directly through the website.

In recent years, Tripadvisor has also focused on enhancing its mobile app and developing new features, such as personalized recommendations and augmented reality experiences. The company has also faced criticism and controversy over the accuracy and authenticity of its reviews, as well as concerns about its business practices and impact on the travel industry.

Despite these challenges, Tripadvisor remains one of the largest and most popular travel review sites in the world, with millions of users and a presence in over 49 markets worldwide.

How does Tripadvisor work

Tripadvisor is a travel review website that allows users to browse and share reviews, ratings, photos, and other information about hotels, restaurants, attractions, and other travel-related businesses around the world. Here is how Tripadvisor works:

  1. User-generated content: Tripadvisor relies on user-generated content, meaning that the majority of the reviews and ratings on the site are submitted by travelers who have visited the businesses and attractions they are reviewing.
  2. Search and browse: Users can search for hotels, restaurants, and attractions in a specific location using the search bar on the Tripadvisor homepage. Users can also browse by category or filter their search results by various criteria such as price range, location, and amenities.

  1. Reviews and ratings: Each business or attraction on Tripadvisor has a dedicated page that includes reviews and ratings submitted by other users. Users can read reviews and ratings to get an idea of what other travelers thought of the business or attraction.
  2. User contributions: Users can contribute their own reviews and ratings by creating a Tripadvisor account and logging in. Users can also upload photos and videos to supplement their reviews and provide more information about their travel experiences.
  3. Business listings: Businesses can create a listing on Tripadvisor to provide information about their business, respond to user reviews, and manage their online reputation. Businesses can also use Tripadvisor’s advertising and marketing services to reach more potential customers.
  4. Booking platform: In addition to reviews and ratings, Tripadvisor also offers a booking platform that allows users to book hotels, flights, and vacation rentals directly through the website.

Overall, Tripadvisor works by providing a platform for travelers to share and access information about travel-related businesses and attractions. The site relies on user-generated content and allows users to contribute their own reviews, ratings, and photos to help other travelers plan their trips.

Best practices for using Tripadvisor

Here are some best practices for using Tripadvisor to plan a successful and enjoyable trip:

  1. Use multiple sources: While Tripadvisor can be a great resource for travel planning, it’s important to use multiple sources to get a well-rounded perspective on a destination or business. Consider using other review sites, guidebooks, and travel blogs to get a more comprehensive view.
  2. Read multiple reviews: When using Tripadvisor to research a business or attraction, be sure to read multiple reviews to get a sense of the overall experience. Look for patterns in the reviews, such as recurring complaints or praise.
  3. Filter search results: Use the filter options on Tripadvisor to narrow down your search results by criteria such as price, location, and amenities. This can help you find businesses that fit your specific needs and preferences.
  4. Consider the reviewer’s perspective: When reading reviews on Tripadvisor, consider the reviewer’s perspective and how it might differ from your own. For example, a reviewer who is traveling with children may have different priorities and expectations than a solo traveler.
  5. Be mindful of fake reviews: Unfortunately, fake reviews do exist on Tripadvisor and other review sites. Be skeptical of reviews that seem overly positive or negative, or those that use generic language or lack specific details.
  6. Leave your own review: If you have a positive or negative experience with a business or attraction, consider leaving your own review on Tripadvisor. This can help other travelers make informed decisions and also provide feedback to the business.
  7. Use the booking platform: If you decide to book a hotel or other travel accommodation through Tripadvisor, be sure to use the booking platform on the site. This can help ensure that you get the best deal and also provide added protection and support in case of any issues with your booking.

By following these best practices, you can use Tripadvisor to help plan a successful and enjoyable trip.


In conclusion, Tripadvisor is a popular travel review website that allows users to browse and share information about hotels, restaurants, attractions, and other travel-related businesses around the world. The site relies on user-generated content and allows users to contribute their own reviews, ratings, and photos to help other travelers plan their trips. To use Tripadvisor effectively, it’s important to read multiple reviews, consider the reviewer’s perspective, be mindful of fake reviews, and use the filter options to narrow down search results. By following these best practices, you can use Tripadvisor to help plan a successful and enjoyable trip.

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