Everything You Need to Know About Megabus APP

Megabus APP stands for Megabus Affiliated Partner Program. It is a program designed for travel agencies, online travel agencies (OTAs), and other affiliates to promote and sell Megabus tickets to their customers.

Here are some important things you should know about Megabus APP:

  1. Benefits: Affiliates who join the Megabus APP program can earn a commission on every Megabus ticket sold through their website or platform. The commission rate is based on the sales volume, and affiliates can earn up to 5% commission.
  2. Requirements: To join the Megabus APP program, affiliates must have a website or platform that generates a minimum of 500 ticket sales per year. They must also have a valid payment method and agree to Megabus’ terms and conditions.
  3. Integration: Megabus APP offers an easy-to-use API that allows affiliates to integrate Megabus ticket sales into their website or platform seamlessly. The API provides real-time availability, pricing, and booking functionality.
  4. Support: Megabus APP offers dedicated support to its affiliates, including a dedicated account manager and technical support team. They also provide training, resources, and marketing materials to help affiliates promote Megabus tickets to their customers.
  5. Payment: Megabus APP pays affiliates their commission on a monthly basis. Affiliates can track their sales and commission through the Megabus APP portal.

Overall, Megabus APP is an excellent program for travel agencies and other affiliates who want to offer Megabus tickets to their customers. It offers a simple and straightforward integration process, competitive commission rates, and dedicated support.

How to join Megabus APP:

  1. Visit the Megabus APP website: Go to the Megabus APP website (https://www.megabus.com/affiliates) and click on the “Join Now” button.
  2. Fill out the application: Fill out the application form with your personal and business information. You’ll also need to provide information about your website or platform, including its URL and traffic statistics.
  3. Agree to the terms and conditions: Review and accept the Megabus APP terms and conditions.
  4. Submit your application: Once you’ve filled out the application and agreed to the terms and conditions, click the “Submit” button.
  5. Wait for approval: Megabus APP will review your application and notify you of your approval status. If approved, you’ll receive a welcome email with instructions on how to access the Megabus APP portal and start selling tickets.

It’s important to note that Megabus APP requires affiliates to generate a minimum of 500 ticket sales per year to remain in the program. Affiliates who don’t meet this requirement may be removed from the program.

Commission rates and payment:

Megabus APP offers competitive commission rates based on the volume of sales. The commission rate starts at 2.5% for affiliates who sell up to 1,000 tickets per year and can go up to 5% for affiliates who sell over 5,000 tickets per year. The exact commission rate for an affiliate is determined by the number of tickets they sell in a year. The more tickets an affiliate sells, the higher the commission rate they will receive.

Payment is made on a monthly basis, and affiliates can receive their payments via bank transfer or PayPal. The payment is calculated based on the total ticket sales made by the affiliate during the previous month, minus any refunds or cancellations. Megabus APP provides affiliates with a detailed report of their sales and commission, which they can access through the Megabus APP portal.

It’s important to note that Megabus APP may withhold or suspend payment if it suspects fraudulent activity, violation of its terms and conditions, or any other breach of contract by the affiliate. In such cases, Megabus APP will conduct an investigation and may terminate the affiliate’s account if the breach is found to be significant.

Benefits of Megabus APP:

  1. Commission earnings: Affiliates can earn a commission on every Megabus ticket sold through their website or platform. The commission rate is based on the volume of sales, and affiliates can earn up to 5% commission. This provides an additional revenue stream for affiliates.
  2. Real-time availability and booking: Megabus APP offers an easy-to-use API that allows affiliates to integrate Megabus ticket sales into their website or platform seamlessly. The API provides real-time availability, pricing, and booking functionality, making it easier for customers to purchase tickets.
  3. Marketing materials and support: Megabus APP provides affiliates with access to marketing materials, such as banners and promotional content, to help promote Megabus tickets to their customers. Additionally, Megabus APP offers dedicated support, including a dedicated account manager and technical support team, to help affiliates with any questions or issues they may have.
  4. Competitive pricing: Megabus offers affordable bus tickets to over 100 cities in North America, making it an attractive option for customers. Affiliates can leverage this competitive pricing to offer customers affordable travel options.
  5. Trusted brand: Megabus is a well-known and trusted brand in the travel industry, which can help increase customer confidence and trust in affiliates who promote Megabus tickets.

Overall, Megabus APP offers affiliates a range of benefits, including commission earnings, real-time availability and booking, marketing support, competitive pricing, and a trusted brand. This makes it an attractive program for travel agencies and other affiliates who want to offer affordable and reliable travel options to their customers.


Megabus APP is a program that allows affiliates to earn a commission by selling Megabus tickets through their website or platform. Affiliates can join the program by filling out an application form and agreeing to the program terms and conditions. Once approved, affiliates can access the Megabus APP API, which provides real-time availability and booking functionality, secure payment processing, customizable branding, and reporting and analytics tools. Megabus APP offers a commission rate based on the volume of sales, with rates ranging from 2.5% to 5%. Affiliates can also benefit from dedicated support, including a dedicated account manager and technical support team, as well as access to marketing materials. Overall, Megabus APP is an attractive program for travel agencies, online publishers, and other affiliates who want to offer affordable and reliable travel options to their customers while earning a commission.


1.What is Megabus APP?

Megabus APP (Affiliate Advertising Program) is a program that allows travel agencies, online publishers, and other affiliates to earn a commission by selling Megabus tickets through their website or platform.

2. What is the commission rate for Megabus APP affiliates?

The commission rate for Megabus APP affiliates is based on the volume of sales. The commission rate starts at 2.5% for affiliates who sell up to 1,000 tickets per year and can go up to 5% for affiliates who sell over 5,000 tickets per year.

3. How do I get paid as a Megabus APP affiliate?

Megabus APP pays affiliates on a monthly basis via bank transfer or PayPal. The payment is calculated based on the total ticket sales made by the affiliate during the previous month, minus any refunds or cancellations.

4. What is the minimum number of ticket sales required to remain in Megabus APP?

Megabus APP requires affiliates to generate a minimum of 500 ticket sales per year to remain in the program. Affiliates who don’t meet this requirement may be removed from the program.

5. Can I use the Megabus APP API to sell tickets on my website?

Yes, Megabus APP offers an API (Application Programming Interface) that allows affiliates to integrate Megabus ticket sales directly into their website or platform.

6. What kind of support does Megabus APP offer to affiliates?

Megabus APP offers dedicated support, including a dedicated account manager and technical support team, to help affiliates with any questions or issues they may have. Additionally, Megabus APP provides access to marketing materials and reporting and analytics tools to help affiliates promote and track their performance.

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