Gousto’s Commitment to Eradicating Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

In today’s interconnected world, businesses are increasingly recognizing their ethical and moral responsibilities towards society. One such company that has taken significant strides in this direction is SCA Investments Limited, trading as Gousto. Gousto, a prominent recipe box food delivery company, has not only revolutionized the way people eat but has also demonstrated its unwavering commitment to ethical business practices. In accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015, Gousto has published a detailed Modern Slavery Statement outlining its approach to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking within its operations and supply chain.

Who is Gousto?

Gousto, founded in London in June 2012, is a company with a mission – to change the way its customers eat. By delivering pre-measured fresh ingredients paired with easy-to-follow recipes directly to customers’ doors, Gousto offers an innovative solution to busy lifestyles while promoting home cooking. Their extensive menu, featuring over 60 recipes every week, provides customers with an array of culinary choices.

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Gousto has expanded its presence across the UK, with fulfillment centers in Spalding, Warrington, and Thurrock. They have ambitious plans for further expansion, demonstrating their dedication to becoming the UK’s most beloved dinner solution.

A Commitment to Positive Impact

At the heart of Gousto’s ethos is a commitment to creating a positive impact on both people and the planet. This commitment permeates every facet of their business, from reducing food waste to eliminating plastic packaging. Gousto is dedicated to making every meal contribute to a better world.

Diverse Workforce and Supply Chain

Gousto’s workforce is diverse, comprising permanent employees, temporary agency workers, and specialist contractors. This diversity is crucial in ensuring they can meet fluctuating customer demands while maintaining high standards. Before entering into contractual relationships with suppliers, including employment agencies, Gousto conducts rigorous due diligence and compliance checks to monitor and address the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking within its supply chain.

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Governance and Responsibility

The Board of Directors at Gousto has overall responsibility for ensuring the company complies with its legal and ethical obligations. The General Counsel and the Director of Buying hold primary responsibility for implementing the company’s Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking policy. They monitor its effectiveness, handle related queries, and conduct internal audits to ensure robust systems are in place to counter modern slavery.

Supply Chain Complexity

Gousto’s global sourcing network spans over 40 countries, primarily through UK importers and suppliers. While they do not have direct relationships with overseas suppliers, their UK-based suppliers may have subsidiaries and joint ventures in other territories. All purchases and contracts are completed in the UK, approved by relevant stakeholders, and aligned with Gousto’s ethical values.

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Ethical Trade Membership

As a member of Sedex, the world’s leading ethical trade membership organization, Gousto actively works to improve working conditions within global supply chains. Sedex plays a pivotal role in helping Gousto manage its social and environmental performance, ensuring compliance with modern slavery and human rights legislation, and enhancing working conditions throughout the supply chain.

Employee Training and Policies

Gousto leaves no stone unturned in its commitment to eradicate modern slavery and human trafficking. They have implemented mandatory training for all employees, workers, and contractors to raise awareness and empower their workforce to identify and report concerns. The training includes real-world examples and concludes with a compulsory test to assess individual proficiency.

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Supplier Onboarding Management

Gousto places great emphasis on supplier onboarding management. Every new supplier must follow a standardized process that includes questions related to ethical trading, modern slavery, anti-bribery, and corruption. Responses are meticulously reviewed and approved by relevant stakeholders and the legal team before onboarding, ensuring a thorough assessment of modern slavery risks.

Risk Assessment and Ongoing Prevention

The supplier management policy employed by Gousto is instrumental in identifying and mitigating modern slavery risks. Gousto continuously reviews this policy, updates purchase terms and conditions as necessary, and evaluates risks related to modern slavery to ensure an adaptive and effective strategy.

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Gousto’s Modern Slavery Statement exemplifies its unwavering commitment to ethical business practices, human rights, and social responsibility. By addressing the complexities of its supply chain, implementing rigorous policies, and providing comprehensive training, Gousto demonstrates its dedication to eradicating modern slavery and human trafficking. As a leader in the food delivery industry, Gousto sets a compelling example for others to follow, proving that ethical business is not just a choice but a responsibility that benefits us all.

In a world where the fight against modern slavery and human trafficking remains a critical global challenge, Gousto’s proactive approach is a beacon of hope and an inspiration for businesses everywhere.

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